Application of Wooden Modular Construction for the Needs of the Elderly


  • Aleksander Nicał Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
  • Karol Sikora University of Wollongong in Dubai, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, Dubai, UAE



Cross Laminated Timber, modular construction, elderly people, optimization, AHP.


In recent years, changes in demographic structure have been observed worldwide. To sustain the growing population of elderly people with special needs, homes need a radical rethink both in designing new houses and in retrofitting new solutions to existing houses. Designs that facilitate aging in place, designs that maintain thermal comfort, and designs that have net-zero energy demands and low to zero to negative carbon footprints are needed. The article discusses the issues of construction for the elderly. The trends in the demographic development of society in selected countries are presented. Additionally, information on the housing stock for elderly people in Poland is provided. The carbon dioxide emission limits to mitigate climate change make it necessary to find an alternative to concrete and steel, traditional construction materials. In this context, Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) fulfills the sustainability requirements. However, to select the suitable panel a detailed analysis of timber characteristics is required. It is necessary to evaluate mechanical properties in bending, tension, compression, and shear. Since the mechanical properties of certain types of wood differ, their proper selection is challenging. The multi-criteria analysis could address this. In this article, four wood species, spruce, oak, ash, and beech, were evaluated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis. Based on the type of construction elements and their functions, analyses were using six mechanical properties as criteria. The optimal type of wood was indicated.


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How to Cite

Nicał, A., & Sikora, K. (2022). Application of Wooden Modular Construction for the Needs of the Elderly. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 5(1), 107–120.