Determining criteria significance in selecting reach stackers by applying the fuzzy PIPRECIA method


  • Slavko Vesković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia
  • Sanjin Milinković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia
  • Borna Abramović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Croatia
  • Ivica Ljubaj University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences; Croatia



Reach-Stacker, container terminal, Fuzzy PIPRECIA


Handling facilities play the essential role in the work of the complete transport chain, especially when performing operations at ports or container terminals. In this paper, a list of 15 criteria for the evaluation and selection of a reach stacker for the container terminal in Belgrade were formed in a double hierarchical structure, with an equal number of the elements. There are three main groups of the criteria: economic, technological and technical, each containing a total of the five sub-criteria. The survey involved 15 decision-makers, who evaluated all the criteria. To determine the individual significance of each criterion, the Fuzzy PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (i.e. fuzzy PIPRECIA) method was applied. The results showed that the most essential criteria belong to the technology group.


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How to Cite

Vesković, S., Milinković, S., Abramović, B., & Ljubaj, I. (2020). Determining criteria significance in selecting reach stackers by applying the fuzzy PIPRECIA method. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 3(1), 72–88.