
  • Abhilash Mohanta School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Sushanta Tripathy School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Deepak Singhal School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India.


Fuzzy AHP, Internet of Things, Radio Frequency Identity, Supply Chain Management, Warehouse Management


The main emerging technology of the current 4th industrial revolution (industry 4.0) stores an immense potential to change the current business and supply chain work and take it to a different level altogether. The communication among physical objects, manufacturer and customers could be successfully built to various platforms in real time. Mapping various journals, research the world-wide progress opens a future possibility to get an end-to-end visibility, transparency, easy updates, maintenance, and accessibility to data and predictions that would take immediate actions thus reducing defaulters. IoT has been proven to be a top notch for industries staring from Automobile and Aerospace sectors to Food and Agro-mechanical areas. But the problem lies in implementation. Many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSME has failed to implement the IoT architecture. The Inventory management system uses a prototype warehouse can easily provide real time data about the items present in the inventory. Stock levels are easily indicated to the operator without any human interference. The RFID line follower robot has an unique ability of sensing RFID tags and card attached to the items, increasing the stock security level of the entire inventory. These methods are cost effective and efficient which can be easily implemented by small industries in order to meet the customer demands in time. Moreover, with a goal of decision making, taking all the variants, that best suit the goal, for which the process mapped is taken into wider concentration by the use of Fuzzy AHP method. Once the hierarchy is made, the analysis and comprising two at a time each in between lines of hierarchic to derive the solution. The main underlying process is using the human judgment rather than decision by information.


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How to Cite

Abhilash Mohanta, Sushanta Tripathy, & Deepak Singhal. (2023). ROLE OF INTERNET OF THINGS IN WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 6(3). Retrieved from