Operational Research in Engineering Sciences

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.31181/oresta190101s

(A Journal of Management and Engineering) ISSN 2620-1607 | ISSN 2620-1747 |


Candy Haydee Guardia Paniura ,
Universidad Nacional de Moquegua.
Miguel Angel Tupac Yupanqui Esquivel ,
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.
David Raul Hurtado Tiza ,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma Altoandina de Tarma.
Yasser Malaga Yllpa ,
Universidad Andina Del Cusco.
Oscar Eduardo Pongo Aguila ,
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.
Victor Andre Ariza Flores ,
Universidad Tecnológica del Perú.
Heidy Margarita Rico Fontalvo ,
Institución Universitaria Americana grupo de investigación Gisela
Timoteo Cueva Luza ,
Universidad Nacional de Moquegua.
Carlo Anthony Balmaceda Flores ,
Universidad Nacional de Moquegua.
José Luis Arias Gonzáles ,
University of British Columbia.


This study evaluates the research methodologies utilized in the engineering sciences. The primary goal is to identify best practices in research design, data acquisition, and result interpretation to suggest future engineering research. A systematic literature review evaluated the methodological approaches and trends of studies published over the past decade. The study's methodology included article selection based on predefined criteria, data extraction on research design, data collection and analysis methods, and result communication. The results revealed a variety of approaches and techniques, with quantitative research predominating, although an increase in the use of qualitative and blended methods was also noted. There were identified trends in research design, data acquisition and analysis, and communication of results that reflect the evolution and requirements of the engineering field. This study concludes by emphasizing the significance of understanding and employing various approaches and techniques in engineering research to address the field's complex and interdisciplinary problems effectively. By promoting methodological diversity and adopting best practices in research design, data collection and analysis, and result communication, engineering researchers and professionals can improve the quality and impact of their research and make significant contributions to advancing engineering knowledge and problem-solving.

A examined Engineering, research methodology, methods for engineering, engineering sciences.

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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

CiteScore for Management Science and Operations Research

89th percentile
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CiteScore for Engineering (miscellaneous)

93rd percentile
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