Synergy effects of natural fungal inhibitors calculated by queuing model


  • Sunčica Kocić-Tanackov University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Serbia
  • Ilija Tanackov University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia
  • Ljiljana Mojović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Serbia
  • Jelena Pejin University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Serbia
  • Feta Sinani Faculty of Applied Sciences, State University of Tetovo, Republic of North Macedonia



fungi, synergy, inhibition, essential oil, natural extract


Model is based on the fungal birth and death processes. Model is suited for Petri dish. Growth of fungal colony diameter in Petri dish is described with exponential function. The value of diameter is declared as integer variable. Integer variable with 1 mm increment is a discrete state of the system. Time in the system is continuously. Discrete states, continuous time and exponential growth are basis for the application of queuing systems in the Petri dish. Queuing system clearly separated the intensity of birth and death. Difference between the birth intensity and death intensity is declared as the fungal life cycle. Fungal life cycle variable is extra sensitive to the inhibitors effects. The procedures for parameters calculation are mathematically explained, as well as the significance of the obtained parameters. Application of the model is performed for F. verticilloides in control conditions and at 16% concentration of basil and clove essential oils. Life cycle minimum is the synergetic inhibition maximum. For F. verticilloides, synergetic inhibition maximum is at 42% of basil and 58% of clove in 16% essential oil concentration.


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How to Cite

Kocić-Tanackov, S., Tanackov, I., Mojović, L., Pejin, J., & Sinani, F. (2020). Synergy effects of natural fungal inhibitors calculated by queuing model. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 3(1), 1–15.